This post idea comes from a commenter today about the main GOP platform on this site. The anonymous writer makes a good case for the conservative position of reducing our role in the world. Fundamentally, I agree that less meddling and financial aid spent abroad is better for US interests and national security. However I also believe that 9-11 changed the world. Because of that date AND escalating terrorism leading up to it; WE ARE CURRENTLY AT WAR WITH A GLOBAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST ideology. The ideology has spawned 100s of dangerous organizations. These organizations are active here, in Europe, and worldwide. They are headquartered and recruited from the sands of the Middle East. Part of the fight will take place there.
How do I put these two opposed items into my world view and a platform I could support for the Republican Party? I guess I have to start by recognizing where we are in history. It is the year 2007 and the US interests are interwoven in the Global economy. US troops are invested throughout the world in Iraq, Afghanistan, South Korea, Bosnia and elsewhere. Our bases in Europe are important to NATO and our long-term allies. None of these things are commitments that should end in 2008 with a new President. The platform can't be about isolationism anti-trade or anti-UN. It must be about actionable events.
That leads me to the first part of my proposal, victory in Iraq. Today, we have 130,000+ troops in Iraq who are part of a major war effort. Plus we have invested a large civilian effort towards the goal of Democracy. These efforts have cost lives, treasure, political capital and more. The surge is showing signs of success and the chance for victory. As a party we have to believe the United States is capable of winning. Then we need to choose the Presidential Candidate who will lead to a victory. You simply cannot allow any time lines when considering the long term interests of the US. Like it or not we are at war, we can win. So we must.
Secondly we must understand there are people who want to attack us throughout the world. These small groups can cause unbelievable damage to lives and economies. From Afghanistan to Pakistan to hot spots in Africa or the Philippines. Our troops that actively fight the war on terror must be supported. This is defended in the constitution as providing for a common defense. While our military fights on offense, homeland security must improve domestic intelligence and secure our borders.
Then we must get back to the conservative part of our world view and policies. I suggest starting by modernizing and reducing troop levels at long-term bases and deployments. This includes South Korea, Europe, Japan and anywhere else that reductions can be responsibly made. Simultaneously we must review our financial commitments internationally then re-allocate them domestically or cut spending on failing worldwide charities and programs.
This process must continue at home. US domestic base structure has become a victim of Pork Barrel Spending. Unnecessary bases should be closed or reassigns. Poor performing projects and projects that are no longer necessary need to be cut and funds re-allocated to active war efforts. We have to stop funding the war on short term requests as we recognize the full scope of the fight we have on our hands.
In short, win the wars on terrorism and in Iraq. Fight the war on terrorism throughout the world where it has strongholds and sanctuaries. Then reduce wasteful bureaucracy and spending in the military, state department, and other international organizations.
That is my take on our role for the next President. What do you believe?
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