Suggested GOP Platform for the 2008 Presidential Election
- Victory in IRAQ - By any means necessary, the United States must win an unequivocal victory in the Middle East. This war moves to its next stage through a victory in the IRAQ campaign. Anything short of this will embolden Jihad-ists and increase the length of the overall war on terror. To achieve victory we must be willing to consider; eight more years, martial law in IRAQ, 100,000 additional troops or any other advantage that we can give to our troops. This war has taken too long because we fight wars today with padded gloves instead of brass knuckles.
- Border Security Now - Not ten years from now, not as part of immigration reform, now. National security begins and ends with operational control of all four borders. (East, West, North, & South). The southern fence must be built and companies that hire illegals must be prosecuted. (Part of this platform is that "undocumented workers" do not exist, there is no such thing. They are illegal immigrates)
- Winning the War On Terror - The culture of Islam has been on the March since its founding. The borders of the global Islamic nation are either expanding or contracting through murder and violence. This murderous sect of the Muslim religion is expanding and must be stopped. This means staying on the offensive in Iraq, Iran, Israel and the Palestinian territories.
- Earmarks / Pork Barrel Spending - The GOP candidate needs to be clear on this issue. The era of congressional spending to get re-elected or hand out favors is over. If a bill contains any pork, it should be vetoed and the pork exposed to the papers. Also the most offensive pork in the previous four years should be re-examined and cut wherever and whenever possible. Finally the new President must pledge to never use pork spending to gain the votes needed on any bill. Bills are to be debated, not auctioned on eBay.
- Education Change - Our nations schools are failing from coast to coast. They are indoctrinating young people with stories of eminent global destruction and not teaching them the Bill of Rights. The federal department of education should be eliminated and 85% of the funds distributed to the 50 states based on population size. Then the other 15% should produce 1 study per year ranking the fifty state education systems. Let the people decide where to live and how their kids are educated. The states will compete, try new ideas like vouchers, and less tax dollars will be wasted on bureaucratic nonsense.
- Abortion - There is no right to abortion in the Constitution of the United States. There is also no absolute right of privacy that establishes a "law free zone" in a doctors office. This is why Euthanasia is still illegal and many other acts that a doctor could perform. Therefore Row vs Wade should be overturned as bad law and the states free to regulate abortion as they see fit. Again, let the people decide where to live and which state most closely resembles their beliefs.
- Immigration Reform - Once we achieve operational border security, then and only then does it make sense to fix the immigration system. The reform should be based on faster paperwork and response to legitimate applications and simultaneously eliminating lengthy appeals and 2nd chances. Hard working immigrates are the foundation of our country, we should give many people chances to achieve the American Dream. Not the same people over and over again or unlimited people from any one nation.
- Gay Marriage - Firstly, it is a valid and reasonable position for an individual to consider homosexuality immoral and a choice rather than a people group. This does not make them a homo-phobe or bigot. As a result, a society has every right to encourage certain types of relationships and discourage others. America was founded on the traditional family and should continue to honor and cherish the benefits of having both a father and mother. So there should be no gay marriage and no civil union recognition. There is no right to marry whatever you wish, the marriage laws are exclusively written for the the union of one man to one woman.
- Political Speech - For years some religious groups and churches are permitted to support candidates, have them speak at services and to offer blatant endorsements. Meanwhile conservative churches and organizations have their tax exempt status threatened to keep them from informing their members of where they stand as an organization. At the same time Campaign Finance Reform has enabled more soft money and a decrease in accountability as to whom is funding what. McCain-Feingold should be repealed in its entirety and new Campaign Finance Reform should be debated based on the goal of 100% accountability and open and free speech.
- Tax Rates - Lower taxes fuel the economy. Less taxes means more public sector spending which increases GDP and more importantly wealth. Wealth creates jobs and new businesses which feed back into the local, state, and federal tax systems. So the Bush tax cuts should be made permanent. Small business tax should be reduced to encourage job creation and competition. Finally, the estate tax should be abolished forever. No family should pay tax twice on their earnings nor have to be concerned with tax payments and loopholes when passing their life's work onto their children or other family.
Debate and the exchange of ideas is good. Your blog will be a great format for that. However, I think governement by consensus is part of our problem today. We need leaders who stand behind the ideas they promote. They could do that if they had a firm moral foundation on which their ideas were based; not just today's opinion poll. (Government by consensus)
So, state your beliefs - we are still permitted to do that in this country. Stand up for what you believe. If, through debate and education based on facts, you truly chage your mind, that is personal growth. Debate, education and the exchange of ideas can also solidfy your current beleifs so; be prepared for that, too.
I read somewhere that someone on Brownback's campaign saw this and was incorporating it into their "playbook." Nice work.
Overall I think the platform you have developed is sensible and definitely a good start. On education, though, I think the GOP position should be more conservative than what you propose. I think the long-term goal should be to eliminate all federal involvement in the management of our education system. All funding and regulation should be administered at the state and local level with possibly a move towards privatization.
Also, I would recommend some mention of trade in the GOP platform. I think the GOP needs to move away from their blind support of free trade. The Republican party used to advocate a protectionist (or economic nationalist as a preferred label in some quarters) trade policy. I think it is very important that we return to a more protectionist trade policy. I know that this is heresy nowadays among the Republican establishment and mainstream conservative punditry but I believe it to be correct nonetheless.
In addition, I am troubled by how the Left has been able to give "global warming" an air of respectability it does not deserve. I think the GOP needs to take a prudent and well-reasoned stance on the issue that rejects the junk science and fear-mongering of the Left.
I applaud your effort. Keep up the good work.
Why not use your real name, Tom Delay?
Tom Delay...ok, I'll take that. I dont use my real name just out of privacy concerns. It would be very easy for anyone to find out my name.
Was calling me Tom Delay an insult? or funny? I don't get it.
I would like to see a plank that addresses the idea that American companies can increase their bottom lines if they move their operations overseas. If companies can operate more profitably overseas than at home, then there is a serious problem. While the increased bottom line will benefit the "higher-ups" it still leaves many Americans out of work. American made products made in American based companies by Americans generates national pride which is severely lacking in much of today's society.
The welfare system needs drastic reform. Because insurance companies are allowed to require potential employees to take and be subjected to future random drug testing, the same requirement should be placed on anyone receiving any government subsidy. Many of us resent the fact that our tax dollars are subsidizing small drug dealers in our communities. If the insurance companies' requirements are not a violation of working Americans' right to privacy then it should not be considered a violation of non-working Americans' right to privacy.
Term limits, term limits, term limits...every elected official should be subjected to stringent term limits. Career politicians are not good for the country. Look back over the last few decades and you will see that the winners of elections are those who spent the most money. The implication being that if you can keep the money flowing, you can stay in office. Our leadership positions should not be for sale. The same goes for the judicial more life time appointments.
Segregation is alive and well in America. And it goes both ways. There is no such thing as "reverse discrimination"...discrimination is discrimination no matter how you slice it. Look in the cafeterias at our public schools at lunch will see that black students prefer to sit with black students, anglos with anglos, etc. This is also prevalent in churches. Every town has "black churches" and "white churches". Look at the towns themselves...there are predominantly black parts of town and predominantly white parts of town and so on. It seems to me that people, no matter where they are, segregate themselves as a matter of choice. Given the opportunity, people prefer to remain with others of the same culture. Anyone who thinks America is a desegregated society needs to open their eyes and look around. It's as plain as the nose on your face. Sometimes I wonder if the idea "separate but equal" might have some validity. We put people together in the same room and they segregate themselves in that room. hmmmmm
What about environmental issues?
In addition to my previous comments on welfare reform, a thumbprint analysis should be required of government subsidy recipients to combat abuse of the system. Penalties for failing a drug test or for being caught trying to defraud the system should result in a one year suspension of any and all subsidies to the violator. A second violation should result in permanent suspension of any and all government subsidies to the violator. Many people are receiving benefits fraudulently by using fake or stolen social security numbers. When we get that burden off of the tax payers, we should have enough money to cover the costs for the necessary hardware and software to keep the system operable. Welfare has become (and has been for quite some time) and hand out. It was initially designed to be hand up. However, we now see 5 and 6 generations within the same family that have never held gainful employment or contributed to the continued success of this country. The U.S. was not founded on selfishness and tax dollars should not be used to fulfill the expectations of persons unwilling to contribute to the overall well-being of this country.
Hi. You pleasantly surprise me. I thought this country was going to the dogs. The trouble is that people associate conservatism and Christianity with intolerance. I have been looking over your proposed platform, and would like to comment on it.
Firstly, I think you over-emphasize the connection of the extremist sects of Islam to the mainstream religion. While I am not an expert on the Muslim religion, I know that 'jihad' does not necessarily refer to actual war. It usually describes a spiritual war, whether it is fought against temptations and the forces of evil or actual evildoers. The 'culture of Islam', too, has 'been on the March' (sic)in an effort to spread their faith. Like Christians, their faith calls them to proselytize and evangelize. The difference is that they may use the sword. However, many of the early Muslim sultans (such as Suleiman the Great) were noted for remarkable peace and religious tolerance that exceeded that of most Christian rulers since the founding of either religion. Also, the sects you speak of believe themselves justified because, based on American television broadcasts and the like, they believe us to be the embodiment of pure evil. One cannot blame them if one examines the mindset of America today. We are not giving a good picture of ourselves to the world. Again, this country has been going to the dogs for years.
Secondly, you state that it is perfectly reasonable and a valid position for persons to believe that homosexuality is immoral and a choice. It is not for me to discuss the many studies showing otherwise, as I am not a statistician and am suspicious of statistics anyway, knowing how easy it is to distort truth and lie outright. I don't believe the studies are correct, myself. However, I would like to remind you that sexuality is an integral part of who we are. You may dispute this if you so choose, but it is my premise. This premise is strengthened by the fact that counseling and therapy designed to change a person's sexuality have repeatedly failed. Much as we all would like to believe it, this is something that cannot be changed. Homosexual people cannot change this aspect of their personhood. They themselves should not be blamed for this. What is immoral is homosexual activity-- love the sinner, hate the sin.
Thirdly, I am with you on the abortion issue. Abortion does not help anyone. It is another example of how we as a nation want only instant gratification. It leaves scars on women's hearts and breaks up relationships. Any mother will tell you that her child was never just a non-person, a clump of cells. You know something is wrong with this country when a person can be charged with two counts of murder for killing a pregnant woman and paid well for killing just the baby. There should not be a distinction between a wanted child and an unwanted child; they ought to have equal rights. The women should not have to go through what will eventually turn into a nightmare. I agree totally with your note on the post 'GOP Platform for Abortion'.
I hope this helps you. Please do not disregard my opinions on the grounds that I cannot yet vote (3 years to go); not only am I now shaping my political positions in preparation for the 2012 election, my positions are in line with the Catholic Church and are shared by millions of Americans. I would like to align myself with the Republican party, but disagree with you guys on some points. Two of these are detailed above. It would be nice if we could work something out here.
In response to the Commenting Rules: I am neither a liberal nor a Democrat. My friends can attest that I am, in fact, a Federalist.
the republican party aka the new communist party u guys r taken all r rites away in da name of natoinal security dat is bs the only reason were in iraq is becuase this is bushes lone war u should take care of afganistan first but i thank u for this bush because were going 2 have a good oll democrate because of u n ur partys incompitence.o yea we appriciate the high oil prices u keep stickin us with yrs trully a new democrate just a tax payer
Please read the comment above... I really hope that person doesn't vote. I mean that person has to be under 18 right. Wait, he/she can't spell rites, but they know we are taking them away.
Who is taking them away, the new communist party, in this persons eyes the republican party.
Now you can say a lot of negative things about the Republican party, but communist we are not. As a matter of fact, about the only thing worse you could call us is atheists.
Then this person wants to blame high oil prices on the war. Not the fact that we can't drill anywhere in US territories or build any refineries or use nuclear power plants.
How can you win an election when the electorate are this un-educated on the issues of the day? I think our party may be in serious trouble as this generation starts voting.
Fantastic job, well done!
Conservatism does not involve itself with policing the world, free spending, or big government. We need to get out of foreign entanglements, provide for our national defense, eliminate entitlements, restore our low levels of taxation, restore fiscal responsiblity, restore Congressional control of the nations monetary system by revoking the unauditable and private corporation (the "Federal" Reserve) that manipulates it, restore state's rights and individual liberty. That's what made this nation great and the farther we stray from the principles of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Founding Fathers, the closer we are to being a tyrannical oligarchical dictatorship of the world. This nation cannot continue on it's current path without seriously undermining our national sovreignty and is well under way to it's demise via the same fiat monetary system which was responsible for countless empires throughout history.
Your platform smacks of neo-Nazism, socialism, and corporatism. None of these are American principles. None of these made this country great. And all of these stand to destroy the greatness of America, which is founded in LIBERTY. Liberty from an oppressive government. Liberty from a burdensome taxation, the likes of did not exist even when we revolted against King George of Britain. Liberty from a thieving monetary system which uses manipulation of interest rates to rob your savings, investments, and spending power without the need for guns, dynamite, or safe-cracking.
Please wake up to the tyranny or be condemned to accept it. History repeats itself - we all need to notice when it does and protect ourselves from it.
Peace, prosperity, justice, and liberty to you as you seek a true grassroots platform for the Republican party.
This election, let's return to the fundamentals that made this country great! Let's say no to neo-Conservatives that have spoiled the party and threaten to undermine the Republic for which it stands. This country is NOT a democracy - it is a REPUBLIC!
A democracy is two wolves and a sheep trying to decide what to have for dinner. A republic is everyone deciding for themselves what to have for dinner - and it's not each other.
Re-read your platform and decide to be true REPUBLICans.
LIBERTY and justice for all!
This last commenter makes some great points. I don't like the fact that he uses the left's moniker of neo-conservatives to describe the side of the republican party he disagrees with. But most of what he says should be the ultimate goal of our party.
I am just not sure we can get there in 2008 from where we are now.
None the less, I will probably incorporate some of his ideas in version 2 of the platform.
I like your comments on illegal immigration. I'm from Texas and all of us here know the truth that no one seems to be willing to admit. A full one-third of our state has been conceded to Mexico. Don't believe me? Just travel south of I-10 and you will see. No politician would dare admit it and no newsreporter would dare touch the story. This year the Dems have decided that it's all President Bush's fault (of course we are coming into an election year). However, this problem has been allowed to grow bigger and bigger for more than 40 years. Neither the Dems nor the Repubs can claim to have alleviated the problem one iota. Our leadership needs to either move swiftly and decisively or we need to move the border to a line between Conroe, Texas and the panhandle.
I'm 63 years old. I was raised in a democratic household and stayed with that party until just after 9/11 when I saw the democtatic party and other factions in our country turn on our leader like a rabid dog.
Both I and my wife changed partys for life. President Bush is the first President whe've had since Ronald Reagan (and JFK before him) that was willing to stand up and face our emenies on their own terms. Had the Democtates been in power on 9/11 I'm sure they would have given those blood thirsty Arabs Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska to appease them. I'm sure Jimmy Carter would be willing to build them all a free house.
You can only be as peaceful as your neighbor will let you be. When the bully demands everything you have, you have only two choices; Give him everything you have or fight him.
"Conservatism does not involve itself with policing the world, free spending, or big government."
Hear, hear. You have my vote. Let's move the party away from the moral issues that are the rightful domain of the church (Don't like abortion? Neither do I. Let's all mentor a young at risk woman and help her make the right choice.) and back to the issues that are the rightful domain of the federal government. Which means, of course, very few.
The obsession with planks 2, 6, and 8 are what keep the republican party from doing anything effective.
I am a faithful Republican and have been for years. I absolutely believe that including the "War on Terrorism" in the platform is a mistake. Who is the enemy in this combat? Are we supposed to kill every Muslim in the middle east to eliminate the threat? We were told there were WMD - there weren't. We were told we'd be welcomed as heroes - we weren't. We were told by the president with much fanfare atop that aircraft carrier that the mission was accomplished - it wasn't. Bush ran in 2000 saying that he was steadfastly against using U.S. forces to nation-build - isnt' that the best description of our current role in Iraq? And lest anyone forget, none of those terrorists on 9/11 were from Iraq. They were from Saudi Arabia, our cozy buddies. It's insanity. What is uncertain is that any clear objectives will ever be accomplished. What is certain is that good Americans, who could be protecting our borders at home, are dying every day and when are spending countless billions while our "fiscally conservative party" racks up bills we can't afford to pay. This is an unjust war and anyone who thinks that you have to support it to be a patriot today, is wrong. I love this country. I love our troops. It's time for us to admit we've made mistakes and move on. I am convinced our presence in the Middle East does nothing but inflame hatred against our country and make us less safe. And make no mistake. Hatred is the real enemy here. In a very real sense we have already lost this "War on Terrorism" in the sense that our response as a nation has been to obliterate personal liberties - the very core beliefs we claim to want to die for and defend. The hypocrisy of it all is mind-numbing. Final point. If we don't get this right as a party, I hope you enjoy round 2 of a Clinton Administration or maybe even President Obama next year, because there is a 100% chance the GOP will lose the White House next November. How does that feel? Adam A.
If the guy above is a republican, I will buy him dinner. As Rush would say, anyone who starts there comments with "I have been a republican all my life, but" you can pretty much guarantee isnt a republican.
The War on Terror is simply a name. And yes, we may need to have troops in the middle east forever. Like we have them in Korea, and Europe, and Cuba. Troops should be stationed strategically around the world to protect not just the US, but US interests.
60,000 troops right outside Iran is in the long term security interest of the United States. It is a bold move to hand a terrorist money or weapons when the greatest military force the world has ever known is at your doorstep.
It's Roe vs. Wade. Not Row. If you are going to oppose something, you ought to at least be aware of the specifics.
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