Saturday, November 10, 2007

Winning the War on Terror

The most important part of the Republican Platform in 2008 must be winning the war on terror. Clearly we are in a time of history when a very small number of people can do an increasing amount of damage. As a society we have to find a way to protect ourselves from one crazy nut or a culture of murder and intimidation. The radical Islamists seek to rule the Middle East and destroy Western society for our lack of morals. Yet in their moral judgment killing innocent people and stoning rape victims earns them the favor of their god.

To win the war on terror the Republican party must first define the struggle clearly for the American people. President Bush has tried and started this process, but the next President must accomplish the goal of explaining how big of a threat the entire civilized world faces. We must stand up and say that some cultures and ways of life are better than others. There is good and evil. They are embodied in the difference between western civilization and the theocracy of globalist jihad. We are on the right side and we must win.

Once we define the fight, we must defeat our enemy. First on the many battlefields in Iraq, Afghanistan, against Hezbollah in Lebanon, Al Qaeda in Western Pakistan, the mullahs of Iran, and even Hamas in Gaza. If you preach the destruction of Israel and a global Islamic nation, then you are no friend of ours and you cannot be a part of the global economy or community.

So the Republican Candidate should promise these actions (in no particular order)

- Deliver one final crushing blow to the insurgents and terrorists in Iraq. Once achieved, reduce our troops significantly leaving behind a significant strike force for combat missions plus enough support troops to make our Iraq base a major deterrent for Iran. This base (or bases) will give the Iraqi government the additional strength needed to establish their new government.

- Work with NATO allies and other middle east allies to implement a "surge" in Afghanistan. Finish off the Taliban and the poppy fields so that this government can stand up fully across their entire nation.

- Focus on the Pakistan crisis now unfolding. Safe havens have to be denied and right now that is Waziristan. Whatever government that emerges in Pakistan must deal with their tribal areas quickly, or understand that we will. Action in this part of the world would mean drones, special ops, air power, and casualties. But we are at war and we must fight it where the enemy rests it's head.

- Fight for the rights of women in the middle east. The women are the key. No man or woman desires a life of a subject or 2nd class citizen. This is one of the way our culture is superior to the Islamic culture in the year 2007. If the women are empowered and make a stand, the moderate men will stand with their sisters, mothers and wives.

- Aggressively pursue energy independence as quickly as possible. Start with the immediate by slowly using the strategic oil preserve. We are at war and our enemy is using oil against us. This is why we have the reserve. Move next to the fastest new drilling that can be online in US territories which may mean off coast, Alaska, but also more exploration within the 48 states. Continue with encouraging a national gasoline blend and more refineries to streamline the cost of unleaded gasoline. Next move to the long term solutions of new nuclear power plants, wind and solar power, advanced car technology, etc. Begin forcing energy costs down for the American people and maintaining a policy of low energy prices for the US consumer and economy.

These five things would go a long way towards winning the war on terror. We are in for a long fight, but we can win. We must win. And to win we must have a strategy and sell that strategy to the American people.

This post is one element of the Grassroots Conservative Republican Platform 2008. To contribute to this effort, please comment on this post and help shape this platform. Send the link to your friends and lets take our party back to the conservative principals that lead President Reagan and that were the key to President Bush's victory in the election of 2000.


wraft said...

The 'War on Terror' is neo-con gibberish, like 'islamo-fascist'. It means nothing. It is just a propaganda term.


Jeff Schroeffel said...

This is great. A Ron Paul supporter who doesn't believe there is a war on terror or an islamo-facist. So let me define them for you.

War on Terror - Fighting aggressively to seek out and kill groups and their leaders who use terrorism tactics to accomplish their geo-political goals. Specifically against islamo-fascists who use the religion of Islam to subjugate women and non-muslims and establish a government based on Islamic Law and male domination.

Islamo Fascist - A fundamental Muslim who believes that all non-muslims should be converted or killed and is willing to murder civilians to achieve the goal of a global Islamic nation. The person also believes that nation and religion is more important than the individual and does not believe in individual rights.

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