Monday, May 19, 2008

Obama says...We cant keep out homes at 72 degrees

For anyone who doesn't know anything about Barack Obama yet. Please read this quote and watch this video.

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times and whether we're living in the desert or if we are living in the tundra and then just expect that every other country is going to say ok you guys go ahead and keep on using 25 % of the world's energy even though you only account for 3% of the population and we'll be fine, don't worry about us." (View Obama's quote on youtube)

Why not? There is no energy shortage. There is no such thing as 25% of the world's energy. There is 25% of the worlds energy production but why can't we just produce more energy. Because globalists like Barack Obama will not allow the U.S. to drill for oil, build nuclear power plants, build refineries, build coal power plants or create energy in any efficient manner.


I drive and SUV because that is how much room I need to get to my in laws and to get to camp. My wife turns the heat up to 72 degrees when she is cold. Find some other way to save the planet but I am not changing either....and I dont feel bad about it at all.


Anonymous said...

Because globalists like Barack Obama will not allow the U.S. to drill for oil

WRONG. The actual globalists--BP Amoco, Exxon/Mobil, etc.--are the ones who want ANWR opened to oil exploration.

Do you honestly think that what little oil can be wrung from ANWR will be the exclusive domain of US consumers? What are you, some kind of Hugo Chavez-worshiping, commie pinko symp who wants to nationalize our energy companies?

ANWR crude would be sold on the world we'd be subsidizing the price of gas for the rest of the world.

And the American taxpayer gets screwed again.

Jeff Schroeffel said...

See, this is another conspiracy theorist that has no idea what they are talking about. ANWR is just one part of a global energy policy. Yes we should drill there and yes they will sell it all over the world. But increased supply EQUALS lower cost. Period. It happens every time.

BP Amoco, Exxon/Mobile are great whipping boys. But who are they really? They aren't some evil nasty entity. They are a collection of shareholders, board members, executives, and workers. All trying to make money to support their families and their personal wealth.

The American Taxpayer is getting screwed now by wasting liquid gold that is under ANWR.

Anonymous said...

Drill now and get off oil ASAP. I don't understand why that's so hard for everyone to understand.

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