Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Victory in IRAQ

Victory in Iraq needs to be a major part of any Republican platform in 2008. The United States of America's armed forces does not lose wars...politicians do. This war is being lost for two reasons. First, the Democratic party has undermined the President and our troops since the boots hit the ground with a constant drum beat of negativity giving our enemy hope that through attrition they can win. Second, our President and his party has not been strong enough to win the war in the face of this opposition. Rather than making the case for a larger war effort, tougher tactics or pointing out the lack of patriotism in the opposing party President Bush has instead "stayed the course", kept his "new tone" and has not fought the war tough enough since the first evening of "shock and awe".

So the new Presidential candidate for the Republican party in 2008 must achieve victory. With or without the Iraq government we must defeat our enemies in Iraq. Both the al Qaeda in Iraq and the Sunni insurgents must be brought to their knees and militarily crushed so that the rest of the Iraqi people have any chance to create a democratic nation. If military elements of these two groups still exist when our troops leave, then all their sacrifices will have been in vain. That is unacceptable.

The leftover Jihad-ists and insurgents will bide their time and attack any new government months or years after we leave. This would usher in a Taliban like regime that will fund terror, train suicide bombers and grow the militant Islamic nation. Together with Iran and Syria this nation could cause serious national security problems for the United States and the world. Pulling out of Iraq without victory is a waste of lives and money. Worse, it is the equivalent of kicking the can down the road for someone else to pick up.

Finally, victory in Iraq is possible. It is not only possible, it should be easy for the great nation that is the United States of America. There is no finer armed forces in the world an no nation has ever had the financial and political resources that we do in the 21st century. The challenge is to beat back the drum-beat of Peace-niks and globalists and the blame America first crowd. Then to inspire the American people to believe that we can achieve anything and most importantly achieve Victory in Iraq and ultimately against our global enemy in the War on Terror.

This post is one element of the Grassroots Conservative Republican Platform 2008. To contribute to this effort, please comment on this post and help shape this platform. Send the link to your friends and lets take our party back to the conservative principals that lead President Reagan and that were the key to President Bush's victory in the election of 2000.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Grassroots Conservative Republican Platform 2008: Version 1.0

Since I am the 1st contributor to this effort, this initial list is mine and mine only. Over the next four-five months I will update this site based on the news, debates, and most importantly the feedback I receive here at this blog. I am going to keep the list at ten items, however what ten items remain in the platform and their priority will most likely change. So without further delay..

Suggested GOP Platform for the 2008 Presidential Election

  1. Victory in IRAQ - By any means necessary, the United States must win an unequivocal victory in the Middle East. This war moves to its next stage through a victory in the IRAQ campaign. Anything short of this will embolden Jihad-ists and increase the length of the overall war on terror. To achieve victory we must be willing to consider; eight more years, martial law in IRAQ, 100,000 additional troops or any other advantage that we can give to our troops. This war has taken too long because we fight wars today with padded gloves instead of brass knuckles.

  2. Border Security Now - Not ten years from now, not as part of immigration reform, now. National security begins and ends with operational control of all four borders. (East, West, North, & South). The southern fence must be built and companies that hire illegals must be prosecuted. (Part of this platform is that "undocumented workers" do not exist, there is no such thing. They are illegal immigrates)

  3. Winning the War On Terror - The culture of Islam has been on the March since its founding. The borders of the global Islamic nation are either expanding or contracting through murder and violence. This murderous sect of the Muslim religion is expanding and must be stopped. This means staying on the offensive in Iraq, Iran, Israel and the Palestinian territories.

  4. Earmarks / Pork Barrel Spending - The GOP candidate needs to be clear on this issue. The era of congressional spending to get re-elected or hand out favors is over. If a bill contains any pork, it should be vetoed and the pork exposed to the papers. Also the most offensive pork in the previous four years should be re-examined and cut wherever and whenever possible. Finally the new President must pledge to never use pork spending to gain the votes needed on any bill. Bills are to be debated, not auctioned on eBay.

  5. Education Change - Our nations schools are failing from coast to coast. They are indoctrinating young people with stories of eminent global destruction and not teaching them the Bill of Rights. The federal department of education should be eliminated and 85% of the funds distributed to the 50 states based on population size. Then the other 15% should produce 1 study per year ranking the fifty state education systems. Let the people decide where to live and how their kids are educated. The states will compete, try new ideas like vouchers, and less tax dollars will be wasted on bureaucratic nonsense.

  6. Abortion - There is no right to abortion in the Constitution of the United States. There is also no absolute right of privacy that establishes a "law free zone" in a doctors office. This is why Euthanasia is still illegal and many other acts that a doctor could perform. Therefore Row vs Wade should be overturned as bad law and the states free to regulate abortion as they see fit. Again, let the people decide where to live and which state most closely resembles their beliefs.

  7. Immigration Reform - Once we achieve operational border security, then and only then does it make sense to fix the immigration system. The reform should be based on faster paperwork and response to legitimate applications and simultaneously eliminating lengthy appeals and 2nd chances. Hard working immigrates are the foundation of our country, we should give many people chances to achieve the American Dream. Not the same people over and over again or unlimited people from any one nation.

  8. Gay Marriage - Firstly, it is a valid and reasonable position for an individual to consider homosexuality immoral and a choice rather than a people group. This does not make them a homo-phobe or bigot. As a result, a society has every right to encourage certain types of relationships and discourage others. America was founded on the traditional family and should continue to honor and cherish the benefits of having both a father and mother. So there should be no gay marriage and no civil union recognition. There is no right to marry whatever you wish, the marriage laws are exclusively written for the the union of one man to one woman.

  9. Political Speech - For years some religious groups and churches are permitted to support candidates, have them speak at services and to offer blatant endorsements. Meanwhile conservative churches and organizations have their tax exempt status threatened to keep them from informing their members of where they stand as an organization. At the same time Campaign Finance Reform has enabled more soft money and a decrease in accountability as to whom is funding what. McCain-Feingold should be repealed in its entirety and new Campaign Finance Reform should be debated based on the goal of 100% accountability and open and free speech.

  10. Tax Rates - Lower taxes fuel the economy. Less taxes means more public sector spending which increases GDP and more importantly wealth. Wealth creates jobs and new businesses which feed back into the local, state, and federal tax systems. So the Bush tax cuts should be made permanent. Small business tax should be reduced to encourage job creation and competition. Finally, the estate tax should be abolished forever. No family should pay tax twice on their earnings nor have to be concerned with tax payments and loopholes when passing their life's work onto their children or other family.
Please give me your feedback on what should be in this platform and what should be removed. If you convince me or if enough valid opinions override my own, then I will update the platform and improve it. All comments will be used to form the consensus of this effort, but if you want your comment posted please read the rules.

GOP Platform 2008 Rules

The most important rule...please comment. If you are trying to discuss the platform of the Republican party in 2008, I want your opinion. All responsible comments will be published. I will also publish some irresponsible comments to illustrate the absurdity that defines the left in America.

  1. No vulgarity - this is an adult discussion, not an irresponsible childish game. If you want your post to be given serious consideration or be included then only post what you could see on TV or Radio

  2. No support of any candidate - For now, this is about issues not candidates. Feel free to talk about candidates positions, but please don't try to link to their site or do blatant advertising because you are working on their campaign

  3. Stay focused - Keep comments based around the post you are commenting on. We simply cant handle every issue here. Lets debate the most important items and what you think should be in the list.

  4. No Liberals or Democrats - This is an effort to shape the policies of the ultimate Republican candidate in 2008. So comments are only going to be used that move us closer to that goal. Feel free to submit comments though, I am sure they will be good for a nice laugh.
...more to come (comment here to suggest rules)
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