In the last two presidential elections and in the important Senate races here in PA, I was a contributor and a volunteer. I donated meager amounts of money, but more importantly over 75 volunteer hours making phone calls and knocking on doors. For me to reach into my checkbook or fit campaigning into my schedule I need to believe in someone. Right now, I still fear John McCain.
People talk about reaching out. Well reaching out means more than endorsements and speeches invoking the name of Ronald Reagan. It means a platform we will fight for. To get conservatives John McCain has to answer just these simple questions...
- You say you will secure the borders first. Great. I believe you so I am willing to give you a chance. Then what?
- Why did you use class warfare rhetoric when opposing the Bush tax cuts?
- How can you achieve energy independence without expanding the use of domestic fossil fuels? And how can you do that while drinking global warming kool-aid?
- In hindsight, what would you change about McCain-Feingold to make 527s more accountable while not infringing anymore on freedom of speech.
...what do you think?