Thursday, May 20, 2010
Weiner, Weiner, Weiner get your Weiner Facts Here!
You can learn more about how you can help promote weiner facts here. It really is important to help Congressman Anthony Weiner and Obama's white house get some free press about their attacks on goldline, gold, and Mr. Beck.
Dear Mr Weiner, quit being such a Weiner.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Where is John Galt?
Where is our John Galt? Who in industry and business will stand up to goverment and call a spade a spade? CEOs fired. Executives hiding from mobs in their houses. TARP wives pretending not to have money. Now the latest is private investment firms speared by the President in prime time.
The leadership of the GOP remains devoid of a clear message or dynamic leader. I am convinced that leader must come out of business, not Washington or state goverment. We need to leave the lobbyists and gamesmanship out of politics. Get back to the honorable debate of ideas and actually reading bills. We have to tell the American people that they have the power to restart the economy. Not the goverment. It is their "confidence" and ingenuity that will grow tax revenues. Not an energy tax scheme.
The problem is that I see no John Galt. Not in business circles. Not in Washington circles.. Not in the UN and not in politics anywhere.
Mr. Galt...would you please stand up?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Take this bipartisanship or I will shove it down your throat!
So were the Republicans "declaring war on Obama" as Anderson Cooper discussed this week? Or did Nancy Pelosi stuff lots of soldiers in this Trojan Horse?
Clearly the Democrats shoved this bill down the GOP's throat and expected them to swallow or else be called partisan. There is so much distressing stuff in this bill I dont know what to inform my friends about. The attacks come in funding, policy, and econimic directions. It is overwelming as a conservative American.
If you are a Democrat and came upon this ariticle about the "bipartisan stimulus bill", please ask yourself these questions:
What would you do if George Bush had tried to have Karl Rove run the census?
You were upset about "warrentless wiretapping"...but are you ok with the Government having 100% access to your medical records?
Are you OK with the fact that the #1 donor organization to your party is the Unions and the #1 beneficiary of this stimulus bill is those same Unions?
What if George Bush had appointed a TAX CHEAT to run the Department of TREASURY? (obama did)
please, slow down. look at how quick the CHANGE is coming. Some might say it is HASTY
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Arlen Spector and The March of the R.I.N.O.'s ...again.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
President Elect Barack Obama
To all Democrats that fought hard for Senator Obama...congratulations. To all Republicans who worked and voted for John McCain lets be good losers and show the world how this Democracy accepts the will of the people.
May God continue to Bless America.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Headline 11/5/08: How did Barack Obama Lose?
The entire world had predicted last week that Barack Obama would win the Presidential election. The polls told us so for weeks. The pundits told us so for months. This transformational candidate would win the country with more than a 300 electoral college votes. So what happened last night? How did John McCain squeak out a narrow 280 - 258 victory? There is just one word to explain it...BIAS!
Many this morning are talking about the Bradley effect and how voters lied to pollsters and in the end could not vote for a black candidate. This is irresponsible and false. The truth is the polls never showed Barack with a big lead unless you projected the vote incorrectly.
There were three major flaws in our pre-election polls that all the experts failed to see. First, the myth of the youth vote was once again proved false. Yesterday youth turnout exceeded 2004 numbers by less than 1% while all other segments of the population turned out in record numbers. Next, none of the polls predicted that so many Democrats in the rust belt and traditional red states would jump off the Obama ship. Apparently there really are conservative Democrats that could not vote for someone with such a liberal voting records. Finally the polls were distorted intentionally by the Obama campaign to try to achieve the sense of inevitability.
The distortion of the polls started in the Primary. Obama supporters were getting themselves onto polling lists and passing the word to insure they always answered pollsters questions. Online polls and phone polls were packed with partisans from one side. Meanwhile the disaffected conservatives who reluctantly supported John McCain had no enthusiasm for such trivial time wastes. The most ironic part of this strategy is that it is what likely cost Obama Pennsylvania by less than a 1000 vote margin.
The polls in Pennsylvania showed a 5-15 margin for Senator Obama before the weekend. So how did he lose the state? Simple. His voters didn't believe they had to show up. Obama won just six counties in Pennsylvania all surrounding Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Harrisburg. His campaign was destroyed in the suburbs and rural areas in margins not seen since the Reagan elections.
So today we find ourselves with huge Democratic majorities in the Senate and House with a moderate Republican to lead them in the White House. This is not what everyone expected, but it may be what everyone needs.
This may not be the headline on Tuesday, but it could be. Should be. I pray it will be!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Why Iraq WAS worth the Cost!
Saddam Hussein and his sons are dead. They will kill torture and torment the world no more. Since the invasion of Kuwait the United States foreign policy and military efforts have been forced to focus on Iraq and what this mad man might do. The current government of Iraq cannot muster an attack on Kuwait, Iran, or any of its neighbors. Whatever the Iraqi government becomes after we leave, they will be consumed with internal politics and power for quite some time.
After we defeated Saddam and his ilk, Al Qaeda decided Iraq is the battlefield they would fight us on. They felt that in Iraq, not Afghanistan or the United States, is where they would make their stand. They have lost that gamble. After sacrificing thousands of recruits and the entire Bush presidency to defeat our military, they are routed and headed back to the mountains between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Good. Hide there. We will see you soon. Since 9-11 we have not allowed a sanctuary around the world. This one too will come crashing down on these murderers.
We know that recently yellow cake uranium was removed from Iraq. This will never find its way to terrorist or be used by Saddam to create a bomb. While no link exists between Saddam and Al Qaeda, he did pay the families of suicide bombers in Israel. This was a man who WOULD use terror if it suited him. 9-11 showed dictators that maybe terror was a way you could strike the US. George Bush showed all dictators we can and will take action. As a result Libya volunteered it's nuclear program. The North Korean nuclear problem is also in a better state than pre-Iraq war. Neither was possible without the war.
Today in Iraq we have our largest base in the Middle East. Just miles from the border of Iran the mightiest military in the world makes a home. Children don't act up as much when their parents are near by. The Iranians are full of bluster and media shows. But they are well aware they cannot strike Israel or allow a terrorist attack to be planned on their soil. Either would result in their destruction. While many pundits talk about Iran's new strength, they have also been dealt a defeat in Iraq. Their economy is in shambles and their bad faith negotiations are about to lead to more sanctions. The Iranians are also stuck on internal problems.
The Iraqi people have voted once and just might be on their way to a Democracy. With luck, they may vote again before our elections in November. Do you remember the purple fingers from Iraq and Afghanistan as people cast their first real votes? I do. Today in Iraq there is a free press. Local muscle like Muqtada al-Sadr has been forced to put down their arms in order to maneuver for upcoming elections. Elections. ELECTIONS! Made possible by the war in Iraq.
Finally and least importantly, the Iraqi economy is showing signs of life. Their oil exports are becomings stable and exceeding pre-war levels. In the next ten years they could increase dramatically depending upon development. Markets are open. The people are returning. Unlike Afghanistan, Iraq is an advanced and civilized country. It's people will thrive. We will soon get out of their way. The Iraqi war has changed the Middle East and the world. Over the next ten years, we will see by how much. History will judge. But if the past is our guide, Democracy will be good for Iraq, the Iraqis and the world.
Wars take time. They cost lives. They cost treasure. This war is in an entire region with agents spread around the world. We currently fight it in Iraq, Afghanistan, in the Philippians, in Africa and at home. In Iraq and Afghanistan we have learned much about our enemy. We are winning in both. Our military is more experienced and capable than ever before. The technology for modern and counter-insurgency military operations has been dramatically improved.
For all these benefits we should be grateful. Our soldiers are heroes. Everyone who died should know they did not die in vain. They died with honor. Fighting for freedom. Fighting to keep the world safe. Someday I hope a monument will stand in Iraq honoring them. Not built by us, or requested by the US. Built by Iraqis, honoring their liberation. I salute every soldier and thank them for their service. It was worth it. You country is proud.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Why are Gas and Energy Prices So High?
1) U.S. Domestic Oil production has been shrinking since its peak in the 1970s. The oil companies have been hamstrung by Environmentalists, Lawyers, and Democrats since then; making drilling in the U.S. un-profitable.
2) U.S. petroleum consumption far exceeds production. That means we have to import it from the Middle East, Russia, Mexico, Canada, and Venezuela. None of these countries have any problem drilling THEIR oil and selling it to us, shouldn’t we drill for our own?

…worldwide consumption is also rising
3) The law of supply and demand is simple. When demand rises faster than supply, the price goes up. When supply rises faster than demand, the price goes down. The answer to lower gas prices is more supply. NOT taxing the companies that get the oil from the desert to my car.
4) Speculators are driving the cost of oil up, but only because it is a safe bet that oil prices will rise. “Speculators” buy an oil contract for 5 years from now. What they purchase sets the price. If the price went down, these investors would get creamed. If the U.S. quickly opened the way to new drilling in the continental shelf and A.N.W.R. the traders would be forced to bet on lower prices and other oil producers would have more competition. A commitment to new drilling could reduce prices in the next few months. By the way, who are these EVIL speculators…pension funds. (pass too tight a law against speculators and pensions could decline quick)
5) The last Nuclear power plant built in the US was is 1977. Yet Nuclear power still provides 19% of our electricity. Not building more plants has increased the cost of electricity dramatically. (France gets nearly 80% of their power from nuclear.) It currently takes longer to get a permit to build a nuclear power plant than it takes to build one.
6) Renewable energy is a future technology, not a “now” technology. Right now renewable energy accounts for just 9.5% of US electricity production compared to nearly 50% for coal, 20% for nuclear and 20% for natural gas. That is a huge gap that renewable would need to fill.

7) Wind is the only alternative energy source that is even remotely cost effective. Even Nuclear doesn’t compare to coal or natural gas. The reality is that carbon based energy is here to stay OR we cannot COMPETE in a global economy.
Cost Per Kilowatt Hour (cents)
Low | High | Avg | |
Natural Gas | 3.9 | 4.4 | 4.15 |
Coal | 4.8 | 5.5 | 5.15 |
Nuclear | 11.1 | 14.15 | 12.625 |
Wind | 4 | 6 | 5 |
GeoThermal | 4.5 | 30 | 17.25 |
Hydro | 5.1 | 11.3 | 8.2 |
Solar | 15 | 30 | 22.5 | one really knows what harnessing wind power will do to weather patterns and climate. A few wind farms here and there would have no impact. Enough to generate 50% of US energy demand, might cause some problems. Ted Kennedy doesn’t even want a wind farm where he boats….
8) Natural Gas production has also been completely flat or on a down trend despite increasing energy demand. This is thought of as the cleanest fossil fuel, but the ban on coastal drilling has kept much of US natural gas stocks in the ground instead of the pipeline.
9) Environmentalists are FOR high energy prices to encourage conservation. They are willing to pay MUCH more for environmental and supposed “health” benefits. Despite fossil fuels being the only economical option to power the US for the next 20 years. (or more) Harry Reid, leader of the Democrats in the Senate actually said “coal makes us sick” … “oil makes us sick”. While true if you live on top of a power plant; there is no widespread sickness sweeping the world. In fact life expectancy in the U.S. remains over 70 and rising.
10) When the cost of energy goes up, the price of EVERYTHING goes up. Can you afford $7 gas or $5 milk? I can’t. In fact, energy costs and taxes are the two fastest way to cause inflation so that your money isn’t worth as much. If gasoline, electricity, and natural gas costs continue to rise, then our economy will be in real trouble. But if we get out of our own way and take advantage of U.S. energy resources then we can be wealthy enough to clean up after ourselves. High energy prices means high food prices and inflation, that hurts everyone.
Sign the petition for Drill Here Drill Now and make sure Obama AND McCain are talking about new energy production immediately not some dream of alternatives that just aren’t ready yet. McCain is talking about Nuclear and some drilling but not enough. Obama is all alternatives, conservation, and wishing that the price of gas had just risen slower.
If you are not for more energy production, then you are FOR higher energy costs. So if we can’t drill? How do you generate more energy…or are you going to pass a law mandating that we can’t keep our thermostats at 72 degrees. If you are pro conservation, then start talking about rationing electricity and gasoline.
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Monday, May 19, 2008
Obama says...We cant keep out homes at 72 degrees
"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times and whether we're living in the desert or if we are living in the tundra and then just expect that every other country is going to say ok you guys go ahead and keep on using 25 % of the world's energy even though you only account for 3% of the population and we'll be fine, don't worry about us." (View Obama's quote on youtube)
Why not? There is no energy shortage. There is no such thing as 25% of the world's energy. There is 25% of the worlds energy production but why can't we just produce more energy. Because globalists like Barack Obama will not allow the U.S. to drill for oil, build nuclear power plants, build refineries, build coal power plants or create energy in any efficient manner.
I drive and SUV because that is how much room I need to get to my in laws and to get to camp. My wife turns the heat up to 72 degrees when she is cold. Find some other way to save the planet but I am not changing either....and I dont feel bad about it at all.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Attn Senator McCain: I want to support you, but I cant...yet
In the last two presidential elections and in the important Senate races here in PA, I was a contributor and a volunteer. I donated meager amounts of money, but more importantly over 75 volunteer hours making phone calls and knocking on doors. For me to reach into my checkbook or fit campaigning into my schedule I need to believe in someone. Right now, I still fear John McCain.
People talk about reaching out. Well reaching out means more than endorsements and speeches invoking the name of Ronald Reagan. It means a platform we will fight for. To get conservatives John McCain has to answer just these simple questions...
- You say you will secure the borders first. Great. I believe you so I am willing to give you a chance. Then what?
- Why did you use class warfare rhetoric when opposing the Bush tax cuts?
- How can you achieve energy independence without expanding the use of domestic fossil fuels? And how can you do that while drinking global warming kool-aid?
- In hindsight, what would you change about McCain-Feingold to make 527s more accountable while not infringing anymore on freedom of speech.
...what do you think?